Christmas Count the Room 01


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The aim of this resource is to revise and consolidate the concept of numbers 1-10 in a fun and engaging way for pupils. It is also a great way for getting pupils out of their seats in the classroom and taking part in an active lesson. Pupils can work on their own or in pairs for this activity.

The teacher should print and cut out all of the 30 small cards in the resource and display them in various locations around the room. Each pupil/pair should have an answer sheet with seasonal images and a blank box underneath. Their job is to find the small cards with the same images as on their answer sheet, count the number of each image and write the answer in the blank box underneath.

There are six different answer sheets containing 10 images; there are three containing 8 images; there are three containing 6 images; this allows for differentiation within the classroom, so more able pupils can do the full sheets and less able pupils can do the shorter versions.

You could decide to display only 10 of the image cards at first, with everybody working on the same answer sheet until the pupils get used to the activity. However, part of the fun of displaying all 30 image cards is the “treasure hunt” aspect, where pupils have to find only the images on their own answer sheet. For more able pupils, they can be give a second answer sheet when they have completed their first.

Answer keys are provided for the teacher in the pack. There are 23 sheets in this resource.